Only in acceleration do we see stride-frequency and
stride-length improve incrementally. We can improve the acceleration of an
athlete by carefully choreographing the precise movements of this racing phase.
The best means to address this neuro-physiological challenge is with a training
concept called the ACCELERATION LADDERTM.
The ACCELERATION LADDERTM is a collection of 10 rungs attached by cords that
identify the approximate spacing of each foot-placement throughout the
acceleration phase. Sprinting with this training tool will allow for an exact
programming of the neuromuscular system. The rungs (or “sticks”) used in this
exercise improve the kinesthetic awareness of the athlete by allowing them to
feel the proper foot placement as it occurs behind the athlete’s center of
This adjustable tool offers two different settings:
The most common setting
for a young or developing athlete is a 40:10 ratio. The
second rung or stick is positioned forty centimeters from the first. Each
additional rung is placed
at a point that is ten additional centimeters away.
The spacing progresses
from 40cm to 50cm, then 60cm, 70cm and so on.
The second setting is appropriate for a taller or
more advanced sprinter. This setting is a 50:15 ratio which follows the same
pattern as before. The second rung is positioned 50cm from the first. The third
rung then is 65cm from number two, the next rung is 80cm away, and so on.
The exercise begins with the use of five to six
rungs. The sprinter places his/her power-side foot (the foot which is placed
forward in the starting blocks) just in front of the first rung. The shin
should be pointed toward the finish line, the torso in-line with the angle of
the shin, the knee should line up in front of the spike plate, and the arms
should hang loose from the shoulders.
It is important to note that at no time should the
athlete step on the rung sticks. Rather he/she should drive back into the face
of these rungs as a method of determining exact foot placement. This drill
begins with a falling start. Before balance is lost, the smart-side leg (the
leg placed back in the blocks) will quickly recover while simultaneously
extending at the hip on the power side to move the center-of-mass forward. The
emphasis on horizontal motion is critical.
After recovery of the smart-side leg is complete,
the hips will be positioned past the second rung. The second step requires the
recovered leg to be driven back down into the track surface as was rehearsed in
each of the preceding drills. The athlete should be able to feel or sense the
second stick or rung just behind the spike plate as ground contact is made. With
each stride, the performer should drive the legs back into the running surface
resulting in a horizontal displacement. As competency increases, additional
rungs can be added to the exercise.
Repeated rehearsal of this drill will automate the
precise movements desired in the acceleration phase of a sprint race. Even
though the actual stride-length of the performer may not exactly match the
pattern rehearsed, the benefits of the incrementally increasing steps will
translate positively
to competition.
You might think the starting blocks used today were
created by a great scientist, or coach, or perhaps an athlete. Wrong! The first
starting blocks were produced by a groundskeeper! In the days before the
introduction of synthetic track surfaces, competition was contested on cinder
or clay tracks. In order to produce the best start, athletes would dig two
small holes in the track to accommodate the push-off necessary to overcome
inertia. This technique worked well. It did however prove to be quite
inconvenient for the man who was responsible for grooming the track surface.
Imagine having to fill those holes after each race only to have the performers
in the next round dig it up again.
The first starting blocks were not created to
produce a better start. They were constructed to preserve the running surface.
The starting blocks utilized today are not much different from the first models
introduced decades ago. The science of optimizing the use of the blocks,
however, has progressed tremendously. Next, we will explore the best means to
maximize starting ability from both the crouched and standing start positions.
Though the “start” begins a race, we should not
begin our training focusing on this racing segment. Starting skills require
great amount of strength and power and neuro-muscular coordination. Once the
athlete has begun to develop some of these capacities, then work in and around
starting blocks is appropriate.
Before starting skills can be taught, we must first
determine the power-side and the smart-side of the athlete. As
infants, our neurological development takes on a distinct pattern. One side of
the body becomes the primary mover, while the other works in support. As a baby
eats, one hand brings food to the lips while the other holds the plate steady.
We write with the smart hand and hold the paper steady with the power-side
hand. We kick with our smart-side leg, while the power leg supports all of the
body weight.
Generally, the hand you write with and which foot
you kick with represents the smart-side of the body. The smart-side foot is
placed behind the athlete in the starting position. The power-side will
generate most of the force from the front position.
Starting skills should be introduced with the
upright position first, and evolve
towards the crouched start. Repeated studies show that athletes who
lack the
strength, power, or technical skill needed for the crouched start will
produce slower sprint times with starting blocks than without one!
In competition, athletes should be allowed to use
only those starting skills which have been mastered. This may require starting
blocks not being used initially.
The common thread running through this category of
drills is the body position assumed prior to the first movement. The athlete
will allow gravity to pull him/her forward until the torso is at about
55-degrees with respect to the running surface. As this position is achieved,
the athlete explosively begins to sprint and continues through a distance of at
least 20-meters.
• The Upright Falling Start
The power-side foot is positioned just behind the
starting line, body weight on his/her shoe’s spike plate, shin pointing forward
so that the knee is directly over the foot. The smart-side shoe grips the
surface with the spike plate and is positioned behind the body. For balance,
the arms are in sync with the legs with the right-hand/left-foot and
left-hand/right-foot working in tandem.
With pressure being applied through both the
power-side and smart-side spike plates, the athlete should feel his/her
hamstrings and gluteus muscles begin to fire as he/she allows the body to drift
forward. Just before balance is lost, the athlete applies maximum forces off
both feet and explosively accelerates forward. The skills learned in
acceleration training are implemented here. The breath is held for the first
few strides of this starting action. The desired application of forces is
largely horizontal so hip extension on the power-side is critical.
Verbal Cues: “pressure
on the spike plates,” “push from the hip.”
• The Squat Falling Start
Assuming the same position as in the last drill
with the feet set and arms synchronized, the hips lower into a squat position.
The power-side leg (front leg) should be bent at the knee in a 90-degree angle,
and the forward fall executed as before. As the desired body position is
reached, the athlete should explode into an acceleration pattern. If the
athlete finds it difficult to explode forward from this “squat” position, they
are unprepared to execute a start from staring blocks in a crouched stance
until additional gains in strength and power are made.
Verbal Cues: “lower
the hips,” “fully extend the power side.” • The 3-Point Start
Here, the ready position requires the power-side
foot to be 4 to 6 inches from the starting line. In the squat stance, the
smart-side or forward hand is lowered to the starting line. A bridge position
is created by the hand with its thumb inside and four fingers held closely
together outside. The other hand is placed on the power-side hip. The athlete
begins to fall forward and quickly executes the start sequence with the
hand thrown back, and the other hand moving up and
forward. The power-side leg must push hard and the smart-side leg must press
off the ground quickly.
Verbal Cues: “push,
press”, “elbow back.” • The 4-Point Start
Using the same ready-position as the previous
drill, both hands should rest on the power-side knee, the shoulders dipped to
knee-level. The hips remain high and the athlete should feel the stretch in his
power-side hamstring.
At the “set” command, both hands should drop to the
starting line. The hands assume the bridge-position and the distance between
the hands should be the same as the grip-distance in the bench-press exercise.
As force is applied against the ground, through both feet, the shoulders and
hands will counteract the forces applied by the legs, hips, and gluteus.
Holding his/her breath, the athlete explodes out with double-leg drive. The
sensation is like that of a tightly wound spring that is freed.
Verbal Cues: “double
leg drive,” “chest up.”
Using a “standing start” position from the starting
blocks was pioneered early in the
twentieth century and this technique has been used randomly
by the generations
of sprinters that followed. The latest resurgence of this
method began in 1988.
Charles Moye developed a starting block specifically
designed for a standing start. It has been used
extensively in training and competition on the high-school level. Though the
implement is legal on all levels of competition, it has rarely been used in
elite level competition.
The “standing start” technique allows most athletes
to assume a set-position where the maximum amount of force can be applied in
the least amount of time. Athletes who can move more weight in less time from a
quarter-squat position than a half- or full-squat in the weight-room should use
the standing start. Those who can lift twice their body weight from a
half-squat are well-suited for the crouched start.
Standard starting blocks with adjustable pedals can
be set to accommodate the standing start. However, stability and ease of use is
an advantage of the Moye Block -- which was designed only for this technique.
• “Ready” Command Position
The front pedal of a standard set of staring blocks
should be set four-to- six inches from the starting line. The feet should load
(curl) the toes elastically and be positioned so the shoe is in touch with both
the track surface and the block pedal. The rear-foot shoes should be placed the
same way on to the rear block-pedal. Both hands rest on the front knee -- which
should not be bent, but merely unlocked. The shoulders should be lowered to
knee-level and the hips remain in a tall position.
• “Set” Command Position
IAAF rules require both hands to be in touch with
the ground prior
to the start for all races up to and including 400-meters.
National High School Federation rules, however, have no such requirement.
Therefore, the high school sprinter can use a 3-point “set” stance (while the
college- level athlete must use a 4-point starting position). The benefits of
the 3-point stance include a) one hand being free to hold a baton comfortably
and b) less flexibility being required. The 4-point stance allows more force to
be applied prior to the start, which is required to reduce block-clearance
At the set
command, in the 3-point start the smart-side hand is placed on the track
surface, and the other hand on the hip. In the 4-point start, both hands are in
touch with the track in a bridge position, bench-press grip distance apart.
Force should be applied through both feet, keeping the hips high and holding
that last breath until the fourth step in the acceleration pattern.
The pedals on the starting blocks should be
positioned so that the power-side pedal is in front, and the smart-side pedal
is back. Each athlete should begin with the front pedal placed two heel-to-toe
foot lengths from the starting line, and the rear pedal positioned one
and-one-half foot lengths from the front block. This simple guideline is very
accurate because of the relationship between an athlete’s leg length and shoe
size, whose ratio is remarkably consistent in all humans.
Facing the finish-line, the athlete should squat
down and back into the blocks as if loading a spring. The spike-plates of both
shoes should share contact with the track surface and the block-pedals so the
resulting “curling” of the toes creates an elastic response. The hands are once
again placed in a bridge position, bench-press grip apart. The head should
not bow, but rather should remain in alignment with the back.
• Set Command
The athlete should inhale as he/she applies big
forces to the block pedals, then lift the hips up and lock in that position by
countering the force
of the legs, hips and glutes with the shoulders, arms and
hands. The strongest athletes will show a 90-degree angle at the knee on the
power-side leg. Developing performers should allow for a more open angle
• Block Clearance
At the gun, many actions
must occur simultaneously and the sprinter should continue to hold his breath
so that maximum forces can be applied to press off of the back block pedal and
quickly recover the smart-leg. The back foot should stay low and close to the
track. The power-side leg executes complete hip extension which thrusts the
body forward. The angle of the power-side leg should is about 45-degrees when
fully extended. Full hipextension is critical. While the power-side foot is pushing off, the smart-side
arm is thrown
back, palm up and extended at the elbow. The other arm should
come up and forward with the chest as it rises upward. The power-side arm
take a position just above the head as if shading the eyes from the sun.
When fully recovered, the smart-side foot is driven
back into the track surface. It should land approximately five foot-lengths
forward from the rear pedal of the blocks with the hips positioned directly
above the foot. Extension of the smart-side hip then begins while the power-
side leg is recovered. In the strides that follow, the skills learned in the
Acceleration LadderTM training will be implemented.
Finish technique is a skill which should be taught,
developed, and practiced. Acquiring this skill can often make the difference
between winning and losing a sprint race. Here are two finish techniques which
should be rehearsed often in training.
• The Trip Finish
Within five meters of the finish line, the sprinter
throws both arms back, with palms up. The arms should approach a parallel
position to the track surface. The head is turned to one side or the other so
that the ear is flat to the track. The top of the head points across the
finish. This unique body position forces the torso forward projecting it across
the finish line. The athlete must continue to drive through
the finish holding this position.
• The Swim Finish
This technique requires the sprinter to mimic a
side-stroke two strides from the finish. The forward arm is that which is
furthest from the auto-timing camera. The head turns and looks in the direction
of the camera. The other arm is thrown backward. This body position rotates the
torso just enough to provide a bigger target for the finish photo. The Swim
Finish is recommended for use when the competitors are expected to be closely
bunched at the finish. This is most often true in indoor competition for the
short-sprint events.
Finish form should be rehearsed every time starts
are practiced by setting a finish-line at about 20 meters from the start.
Rather than leisurely coasting to a stop after a trial “rep” in from the
starting blocks, athletes should blast through the finish-line using the
technique prescribed by the coach. Hundreds of finish rehearsals can be
practiced during the course of the training season this way.
Coaching the Relays
objective of the 400m relay is to move the baton around the track as fast as
possible. Having great sprinters means nothing if the baton is not passed
efficiently without loss of speed. The goal is to maximize the speed of the
baton; the speed of the runners only serves that purpose.
Team Selection
Your six best sprinters, regardless of event
specialty, should be the group from which you choose the four members of your 4
x 100m relay from meet to meet. Coachability and the willingness to practice
baton exchanges are prerequisites for 4 x 100m relay runners.
Placement of Individuals
1st Leg. Look for a
good starter and curve runner. This is also the spot for a runner who does not
receive the baton well.
2nd Leg. This is the
only leg that is run almost entirely on the straight, so many Olympic teams
place their fastest runner in the second position. Look for a runner who
receives and passes the baton well.
3rd Leg. Ideally this
should be your best curve runner and baton handler. Mishandling the baton on
the 3rd leg spells defeat in the 400m relay.
4th Leg. This should
be your best competitor. He or she must handle the pressure of anchoring, have
the competitive spirit to close a gap, and have a strong enough ego to deal
with being caught and passed on occasion.
Passing the Baton
There are several different methods of passing the
baton: the alternating upsweep pass, the alternating downward
exchange, the non-alternating upsweep exchange, and the hip
exchange. All have been used effectively in international competition. The
alternating downward exchange is the most common baton passing method. However,
we recommend a slightly modi- fied version of the alternating upsweep pass for
its advantages of speed, mechanics, and consistency. Both methods are discussed
Although the downward exchange is the most commonly
used passing
method, we prefer a variation of the alternating upsweep pass.
Certainly, the downward or overhand pass is used widely, apparently adds some free
seems quick in its execution, and possesses the pizzazz of verbal
with its ubiquitous “stick.” In fact, we believe it is an inferior
method of
For the overhand pass to work well, the two
sprinters must mesh at one exact moment. This places tremendous demands of
accuracy on young runners moving at full speed and effort, who are anxious and
tired. As coaches see time and again, dropped passes are endemic with this
method. The record of USA relay teams in international competition over the
years should be sufficient evidence. Any success has really been the result of
having far better sprinters than the rest of the world.
The argument for the overhand/downward exchange is
that it is quick, comfortable and provides added free distance as the baton is
passed with outstretched arms. Let’s address these claims point by point.
Aquickdownwardslap,orflick,ofthebatondoesn’tmeantheexchange is keeping the
baton moving fast. Once the incoming runner reaches out with the baton, he or
she slows down because good sprint mechanics have been abandoned. The outgoing
runner does the same with the added inhibition of leaning forward, thereby
slowing acceleration. If the initial passing attempt is missed, both runners
are forced to slow in order to pass the baton within the exchange zone.
Manyrunnersliketheoverhandexchangebecauseitiscomfortableand closer to eye
level. As with the sprint start, comfort doesn’t indicate prop- er mechanics.
Hitting an open, waving hand at full speed with a baton moving down and back is
very difficult. Moreover, the receiving hand is in poor position to grab the
baton easily. A hand in this position is hard, meaning that the baton is likely
to hit the wrist or butt of the palm rather than the soft crease of the thumb and
index finger. In addition, an arm extended backward and held up to shoulder
height tends to move around as the sprinter accelerates. Holding everything
still inhibits sprinting.
Nonetheless, sprinters think that the slap of the
baton with its accompa- nying verbal commands is fast. This is usually the case
until the baton tumbles onto the track with its familiar ringing sound.
The Alternating Upsweep Pass
Manyadvocatesoftheoverhandpasspointtothefreedistancegainedby passing at full
extension. On the rare occasion that this actually occurs, some extra distance
may be gained. But, if we compare two perfectly exe- cuted overhand and upsweep
passes, the advantage is probably no more than a foot or two. The supposed
advantage of free distance actually was conceived before the acceleration zone
was added to the event. With so little room for the outgoing runner to build
speed, any extra distance had greater significance. The better
acceleration potential and safety of the upsweep pass are worth far more than a
The Alternating Upsweep Pass
From the above rebuttal, it is clear that we
recommend the alternating upsweep pass. The particular version we offer
here is actually called “the alternating, underhand, upsweep, straight-tube,
twist pass” (see John Tansley’s article, Track Technique, Winter 1991,
#114). While the term is certainly a mouthful, its premise and execution are
The upsweep pass has two overwhelming advantages.
Its mechanics allow the baton to be passed with greater accuracy and safety.
Because of this safety, the baton can be passed at greater speed, later
in the exchange zone. These advantages fulfill the specific requirement of the
event: to get the baton around the track quickly.
In comparison, the more fragile structure of the downward
exchange requires the baton to be passed earlier in the zone at lower speed.
The upsweep pass, done correctly, allows the baton to be passed safely in the
last half of the zone when both runners are at high speed.
Let’s examine the features of the upsweep pass.
Alternating. As
with the downward exchange, the baton is passed right hand to left hand to
right hand to left hand. This allows the first and third legs to run close to
the curve, eliminates switching the baton from one hand to the other, and helps
avoid trouble if the sprinters run up on each other.
Underhand. An underhand
pass has several distinct benefits. First, an object put into a hand held palm
down closes almost automatically. In fact, babies are born with a primitive
reflex that closes the hand when something is pressed onto the crease of the
palm. Second, the outgoing runner presents a more stable target with the hand
held down. Third, and most important, an underhand pass enables both runners to
run through the zone with strong sprint mechanics. This allows the incoming
runner to maintain speed and the outgoing runner to accelerate fully.
Upsweep. By passing
the baton with an upsweep motion, the incoming
runner does not lose speed by
reaching far out with the arm. Even if the incoming
runner “runs up the back” of the outgoing runner, the baton can
still be passed
at full speed. Moreover, if the initial pass is missed, it does not
break the
passer’s sprint rhythm. In the 1988 Olympic final, the Soviet relay
team, using
an upsweep pass, missed passes yet still won because speed was
throughout the zone.
Straight-Tube. With an underhand pass, the baton does not turn end-over- end with each pass. This does not lend any particular advantage.
Twist. One of the
unique features of this passing method, albeit one that can be used with an
overhand method, is the twisting of the baton up in the hand after the pass.
This allows the runner to receive any part of the baton without having to tap
it against the body. Usually, it only takes two or three simple twists of the
thumb and fingers to put the baton in the hand proper- ly. Although some
coaches will be dubious, the centrifugal force of arm action actually makes
this quite easy. Try it for yourself.
Some relay teams using the upsweep, try to pass
hand-to-hand. That is quite acceptable, but requires a very close and solid
Patch Passing. One
of the most important features of the passing method we recommend can be
incorporated into any other method. It is the con- cept of patch passing. Patch
passing has the outgoing runner mark a patch of 1.5 meters or 4–5 feet
instead of a takeoff mark. Usually, the outgoing runner is forced to judge when
the incoming runner reaches the takeoff point. Rarely does the incoming runner
actually land on that point, thus demanding some very rapid judgment or
proprioception on the part of the outgoing runner. Given that the runner is
usually anxious, bent over, look- ing backward, and a teenager, that can be a
pretty hefty demand.
Patch passing makes the “go” point consistent and
easy to see. By creating a patch, the outgoing runner need only to watch for
the foot of the incoming runner to touch the ground within the patch. Instead
of judging, the outgo- ing runner only needs to react to a much simpler
stimulus. If the incoming runner straddles the patch, the outgoing runner also
knows to start.
Patch passing allows the outgoing runner to start
with full acceleration at the same moment in every race. Minimizing
anticipation and judgment cre- ates a safe and consistent pass with good
acceleration. Of course, full speed practice is required to determine the
correct patch placement on the track.
With the strong predictability of patch passing,
verbal signals can even be eliminated. Passing by verbal signals is often
subjective and inconsistent. In large, close races, it is very easy for these
signals to be lost amidst the noise and confusion. With good patch passing, a
predetermined patch or mark within the exchange zone can be laid. That way, the
outgoing runner only needs to respond to his or her own acceleration. Once the
runner hits the patch, back goes the hand. If the baton does not arrive
immediately, he/she knows to slow somewhat until the baton is there.
The Alternating Downward Exchange
With this method, the incoming runner grips the
bottom portion of the baton and passes it with a downward sweep to the outgoing
runner who extends his/her arm back, palm up. Rather than changing hands with
the baton, it is passed right-to-left at the first exchange, left-to-right at
the second exchange, and right-to-left at the third exchange.
The baton always travels down the center of the
lane, so the 1st leg runs in the inside half of the lane, the 2nd leg runs in
the outside half of the lane and 3rd leg runs down the inside of the lane. This
allows the 1st and 3rd legs to run the shortest distance around the curve and
permits relay mem- bers to run up to each other without getting their legs
The Exchange Zone
The baton must be passed within a 20-meter exchange
zone marked on the track by lines which cross the width of the lane. The
exchange zone is pre- ceded by a 10-meter acceleration zone marked on the track
by a triangle in the middle of the lane. The outgoing runner may begin his or
her run-up into the exchange zone from anywhere in the acceleration zone. The
baton must be received within the exchange zone to be a legal pass.
The Outgoing Runner
The starting position of the outgoing runner should
be with both knees bent for good leg angles and both feet pointing in the
direction to be run. Body lean should be forward with weight equally
distributed over both legs. Both heels should be off the ground with the head
turned looking back. The finger of one hand should touch the ground.
Adjustments in the position of the “go” mark will then have to be made as the
two runners practice the exchange, depending on the speed of the incoming
runner and the accelerating skill of the outgoing runner. Factors affecting the
speed of the incoming runner and the acceleration of the outgoing runner in
every meet include the wind and the condition of the running surface.
Responsibilities of the Outgoing Runner:
• Remove all other “go”marks from your lane.
• Place your “go” patch all the way across the lane that will beused by the incoming runner.
• When the incoming runner hits the patch, turn and accelerate all the way
through the exchange zone. Never slow or float to receive the baton.
• Stay in your half of the lane!
• Do no text end your hand back for the baton until the incoming runner
calls for it or you reach your mark.
• Give the incoming runner a steady, soft hand when he or she calls for it
(slightly cupped). Don’t grab for the baton, and never look back.
• After the race, discuss the execution of the passes with your incoming
and outgoing partners and how you might be able to improve for your next relay.
The Incoming Runner
It is the duty of the incoming runner to get the baton
into the hand of the outgoing runner.
Responsibilities of the Incoming
• Catch the out going runner!
• Stay in your half of the lane.
• Do not extend the baton until you have focuse dont he hand. Do not
decelerate, and never lean to reach the hand.
• Shove the baton upin to the crease of the palm hand.
• If you miss completing the pass on the first stroke, keep sprinting,
and get it into the hand on the next stroke.
• Sprint all the way throught he zone, regard less of where you
complete the exchange!
• Stay in your lane until the outgoing runner in every other lane has
passed you.
• After the race, discuss the execution of the passes with your
incoming and outgoing partner, and how you might be able to improve your next
relay race.
Relay Practice Tips
• Practice baton exchanges at realistic racing speeds. Using a short
run-up into the zone, many high school teams waste time practicing baton
exchanges at speeds they cannot possibly achieve during the actual relay.
• Empha size main tainingt he speed of the baton through the zone. (If
the two runners were invisible, you should not see the baton slow down.)
• Practice exchanges in different lanes, including Lanes 1 and 8!
• Do some baton practice with runners in ad join in glanes tosimulate
the congestion and distractions they have to deal with in the zone (e.g. your 1
and 2 runners in Lane 3, your 3 and 4 runners in Lane 4, your 1 and 2 runners
in Lane 2 and your 3 and 4 runners in Lane 5).
The 4 x 400m
relay is the last running event in the track meet, so the results can determine
the outcome of the whole meet. Conversely, a losing team effort can be uplifted
by winning the last event, so the 4 x 400m relay can be pivotal to both teams
in a dual meet. As with the 4 x 100m relay, a team that passes the baton well
can gain on every exchange over a team that does not.
Team Selection
Your six best 400m runners, whether they are
100/200m specialists, hurdlers or 800m runners, should be the group from which
you choose the four members of your 4 x 400m relay from meet to meet.
Placement of Individuals
1st Leg. Usually your
second best 400m runner who can give you the lead or put you at the front of
the field. This leg is run in lanes all the way, so it is not a spot for an
800m runner.
2nd Leg. In
multi-team meets which use a three-turn stagger for the 4 x 400m relay, you
want a 2nd leg who will run aggressively for the first 100 meters to position
your team well after the break.
3rd Leg. This is
where most teams try to put their slowest runner. But if your third best runner
is good at hanging onto the leaders or closing gaps, you may want to place your
slowest leg second.
4th Leg. This should
be your best 400m sprinter, if he or she can handle the pressure of anchoring
and has both the competitive spirit to chase and a strong enough ego to deal
with being caught and passed on occasion.
Passing the Baton
The objective is to pass the baton from one runner
to the next with no loss of speed. As with the 4 x 100m relay, there are
several different methods
used for passing the baton in the 4 x 400m relay. For
the purposes of this
manual, we will detail the safest pass:
The Semi-Visual, Non-Verbal Exchange
With this method, the lead-off runner begins with
the baton in the right hand. All passes are made from the incoming runner’s
right hand to the left hand of the outgoing runner, which means runners must
quickly change the baton from the left to right hand after receiving it. The
reason for the second, third, and fourth runners receiving the baton in their
left hands is that it allows them to face the inside of the track. This enables
the outgoing runners to quickly assess their adjoining lanes and avoid the
confusion which often occurs after the 1st leg, when the relay is no longer run
in open lanes.
Outgoing runners must judge the incoming runner’s
position and finishing strength (read fatigue), just as they would judge the
speed and trajectory of a fly ball when playing center field. When the outgoing
runners judge it is time to go, they turn to face down the track, accelerate
quickly for three strides, then reach back thumb-up to take the baton in their
left hands.
Because of fatigue and blurred vision often
experienced by incoming runners, their only responsibility is to run through
the zone and extend the baton once he/she gets close enough to make the pass to
the outgoing runner. It is the outgoing runner’s responsibility to take the
baton from the hand of the incoming runner!
The Exchange Zone
The baton must be passed within a 20-meter exchange
zone marked on the track by lines which cross all lanes. Unlike the 4 x 100m
relay, there is no acceleration zone, and the outgoing runners must stand
within the 20m zone to await the incoming runner. The baton must be received
within the exchange zone to be a legal pass.
Responsibilities of the Incoming Runner:
Drive all the way to the finish line and throught he exchange zone. Do not decelerate as
you extend the baton to the outgoing runner.
• Do not extend the baton until you are close enough to make the pass
to the outgoing runner in the zone.
Do not try and place the baton in the hand of the outgoing runner. Make the baton a steady
target and let the outgoing runner take it from you.
Responsibilities of the Outgoing Runner:
• Take the baton in full sprinting stride from the incoming runner, not
standing still.
• Begin accelerating from the back of the zone looking straight a head. After
three strides, look back and take the baton from the incoming runner with your
left hand, thumb-up.
• Immediately change the baton from your left hand to your right hand
(2nd & 3rd legs).
Applying Strategy to the Sprint Races
100 Meters
The three phases of the 100 meters are:
1. The Start (first
stride out of the blocks):
Train for a rapid, consistent reaction to the gun.
Move quickly into the “set” position so you aren’t left in the blocks
by a quick gun.
Get yourself into a good “set” position and trusty our ability to react.
Do not concentrate on the gun! Concentrate on what to do at the gun!
Drive the arm opposite your back leg off the starting line to begin the action
of falling forward, which in turn triggers the reflex of the legs exploding off
the block pedals.
Think beyond the first stride! Visualize yourself running out of the
blocks and accelerating down the track.
2. The Acceleration Phase (first 50–60 meters):
Main tain relaxation by concentrating on being quick and lign no ton
digging holes in the track.
Don’t chase; run your race! Don’t focus on your opponent sand forget
to run your own race.
3. The
Stride/Lift Phase (final 40–50 meters):
§ Main tain your speed by main taining your mech a nics and relaxation. Never struggle!
§ Main tain your speed by main taining your mech a nics and relaxation. Never struggle!
• Don’t run to finish; run through the finish!
Practice your lean so it occurs at the finish line, not before or after the line.
200 Meters
The four phases of the 200 meters are:
1. The Start (first strides out of the blocks):
• Angle your starting block stangent to the to poft he curve. •
All other considerations for the 100m start apply.
2. The
Acceleration Phase (first 50–70 meters):
• In the 200m the entire acceleration phase occurs on the curve, so
practice accelerating on the curve from the blocks in every lane.
• Don’t concede the race if you draw Lane 1! It is the longest and
tightest curve to run, so prepare yourself by training in Lane 1 often.
3. The
Transition Phase (from the curve into the
straight, 77–100m into the race depending on the lane):
• Lean into the curve to create a slings hot effect when you enter
the straight.
• Practice making the transition from the curve into the straight in the
inside three lanes (the tightest curves). The more you have to lean into the
curve, the more difficult the transition into the straight will be as you right
4. The Stride/Lift Phase (final 130–150 meters):
• Main tain your speed by main taining your mechanics and
relaxation. Never struggle!
• Don’t run to finish; runt hrough the finish! Practice your lean so
it occurs at the finish line, not before or after the line.
400 Meters
The 400 meters is a specialized speed-endurance
event. These are the “rac- ing weapons” you must have to be a successful
400m sprinter:
1. The ability to judge pace. Recommended pacing for high
school 400m runners, for the first 200 meters of the race:
• F-SGirls . . . . . .
.best 200+4.0sec.
• Varsity Girls . . .best 200m + 3.0 sec.
• F-SBoys . . . . . .
.best 200m+2.0–2.5sec.
• Varsity Boys . . . .best 200m + 1.5–2.0 sec.
2. The ability to adjust pace.
3. The ability to maintain rhythm.
4. The ability to maintain sprint mechanics in
• In meets where you must run preliminary rounds, start fast and work no
harder over the final stages of the race than is necessary to advance to the
next round or final. Your objective should be to advance to the final with-
out your opponents knowing exactly how fast you are capable of running.
• Warm-down immediately after your race to flush the acid buildupout of
your muscles.
• If you have an other round or event torun, put on your tracks it imme-diately to avoid cooling off too quickly. Warm-up thoroughly for your next
A Training Periodization Plan for the CIF Season
The high school Track & field season can be
divided into the following
four periods:
• Pre-Season. . .
. . . . .JanuarytoMid-February . . . . . . . . . .(6weeks)
• Early Season . . . . .Mid-February through March . . . . . .(6 weeks)
• Mid-Season ......April ..............................(4weeks)
• LateSeason ......May ..............................(4weeks)
Each period should have specific objectives and
employ different training methods. Research has shown that 4–6 weeks appears to
be the maximum sustained period of improvement for any single type of training.
Therefore, your system of training sprinters should follow a seasonal training
plan which uses a variety of training methods.
You must recognize that sprinters cannot train at
high intensity and com- pete in 13–18 meets over the course of 20 weeks without
the likelihood of becoming injured. Sufficient recovery after each hard
training session and track meet is crucial for a sprinter to develop and attain
his or her training objectives and performance goals. We cannot overemphasize
the key role a complete warm-up and warm-down each day plays in enhancing
restora- tion. Other restoration enhancement methods, such as massage, sauna,
elec- trostimulation, and Jacuzzi can be helpful, but they cannot replace the
body’s need for recovery time between bouts of hard training.
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